Results for 'Dewa Gede Sudika Mangku'

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  1.  25
    Bhineka Tunggal Ika as Source Politics and Identity of Indonesian Culture in The Formation of Law.Gede Marhaendra Wija Atmaja, Ida Ayu Arniati & Gede Yoga Kharisma Pradana - 2020 - Cultura 17 (1):57-72.
    The purpose of this study seeks to analyze the problem of Unity in Diversity as a Source of Politics and Cultural Identity of the Indonesian Nation in Legal Formation. In general, the process of establishing customary, national, regional and international law in various parts of the world no one knows even uses Bhineka Tunggal Ika as the source of legal formation. However, often the formation of law in Indonesia refers to the philosophical meaning of Unity in Diversity. The formulation of (...)
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  2. v. 9. Bergson et les écrivains.Céline Dewas & CléMent Girardi Sous la Direction de Arnaud FrançOis - 2002 - In Renaud Barbaras (ed.), Annales bergsoniennes. Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
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    Liening "Zhe xue bi ji" ruo gan wen ti yan jiu.Gede Liu (ed.) - 1988 - [Canton]: Guangdong sheng xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
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    (1 other version)Evaluate the Issue of "Two Combine into One" in a Realistic Way.Liu Gede - 1982 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 13 (4):45-53.
    The year 1964 witnessed the polemics on "one divides into two" and "two combine into one" conducted in China's theoretical circles. Due to the sabotage of the "theoretical authority" and people like Guan Feng, this academic discussion was turned into a political mass criticism of the latter. During the Cultural Revolution, Lin Biao and the "gang of four" subjected comrades who advocated the theory of "two combine into one" or endorsed some of its viewpoints to brutal political persecution. Criticism of (...)
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    Exploitation of Bali Traditional Symbols on Today’s Design.I. Made Gede Arimbawa - 2011 - Cultura 8 (2):209-222.
    Based on the views of Hindus in Bali, the application of ornaments in the form of Balinese traditional symbols should follow the rules of the prevailing tradition.The symbols are created to show the cosmology and philosophy based on the teachings of Hinduism as indigenous in Bali and function as a means of a sacred ritual. But in reality the designers in Bali often exploit the symbols by “mutilating” and applying them to undue places, motivated by a desire to create a (...)
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    Vedanta dalam serpihan hidup sehari-hari.I. Gede Suwantana - 2014 - Denpasar: Ashram Gandhi Puri, Indra Udayana Institute of Vedanta.
    Implementation of Vedanta philosophy in the daily life; collected articles.
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  7. Semantik: teori dan analisis.I. Dewa Putu Wijana - 2008 - Surakarta: Yuma Pustaka. Edited by Muhammad Rohmadi.
    Theory and analysis of semantics of Indonesian language.
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  8. (1 other version)Mitarepa ou Jetsün-Kahbum.Jetsün Milarépa, Lama Kazi Dewa-Samdup, W. Y. Evans-Wentz & Roland Ryser - 1957 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 62 (4):477-477.
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    Ethics and Responsibilities: Preserving Traditional Balinese Architectural Values in the Global Era.I. Gede Mugi Raharja - 2021 - Cultura 18 (2):139-154.
    Bali island has become a world tourist destination since the colonial period. Bali even almost made to be a "living museum" through Baliseering program by the Dutch Colonial Government in the 1930s, with the pretext of protecting Balinese culture. The proscenium stage was introduced for the Balinese architectural performance venue. At the Colonial Tourism Exhibition in Paris in 1931, the Dutch Colonial Government introduced a unique Balinese architecture. The Balinese ethnographic museum was also built by combining the architectural concepts of (...)
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    East and West Cross Cultural Semiotics: On Taman Ujung Bali Architecture.I. Gede Mugi Raharja - 2017 - Cultura 14 (1):159-169.
    Indonesia had absorbed various cultures since ancient times, caused the local cultures were enriched with sign language. However, signs on the traditional culture in Indonesia are more symbolic in nature. Interestingly, East and West cross-cultural sign was encountered in Bali, on Sukasada Park design, in Ujung Village, Karangasem regency. The park which was known as Taman Ujung was a legacy of Karangasem Kingdom. This article was compiled from the results of research conducted in 1999, 2012 and 2016. The latest study (...)
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  11.  25
    Heritage, Knowledges and Memories on Pura Penulisan Architecture Bali at Ancient Mount Batur Caldera Area.I. Gede Mugi Raharja - 2018 - Cultura 15 (1):85-101.
    Bali island’s beautiful nature in Indonesia are the result of volcanic activity under the sea, more than 23 million years ago. The geology of Bali island lies in the Sunda mountains arc, part of the volcanic rings of Pacific ring of fire. This causes the condition of Bali island is often unstable in ancient times, due to the shocks of volcanic eruptions. One of the beautiful areas caused by ancient volcanic activity is the Caldera of Mount Batur. On the northwestern (...)
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    Aesthetic and Space Concept of Visual Composition in Interior and Architecture of Bali Madya Dwelling.A. Gede Rai Remawa, Imam Santosa & Biranul Anas Zaman - 2013 - Cultura 10 (2):157-168.
    Global era is an era of acculturation which may surface difficulties due to the tendency of becoming global chaos that may influence people’s thought. Everyonehas their own views and has made changes with their own worldview perception; hybrid and heterodox. Changes without wisdom will eliminate local elements.This phenomenon has influenced myriad forms of visual composition and architecture of Bali Madya dwelling. Balinese culture has gone through various changes since Rsi Markandeya in the 9th century, Empu Kuturan in the 10th century (...)
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  13.  46
    Aesthetic and Space Concept of Visual Composition in Interior and Architecture of Bali Madya Dwelling.A. A. Gede Rai Remawa, Imam Santosa & Biranul Anas Zaman - 2013 - Cultura 10 (2):157-168.
    Global era is an era of acculturation which may surface difficulties due to the tendency of becoming global chaos that may influence people’s thought. Everyonehas their own views and has made changes with their own worldview perception; hybrid and heterodox. Changes without wisdom will eliminate local elements.This phenomenon has influenced myriad forms of visual composition and architecture of Bali Madya dwelling. Balinese culture has gone through various changes since Rsi Markandeya in the 9th century, Empu Kuturan in the 10th century (...)
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  14. Zhe xue zheng ming yu fan si.Chunsheng Huang, Weimin Shi & Gede Liu (eds.) - 1992 - [Canton]: Guangdong sheng xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
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    Renungan hidup dalam sloka Hindu.Ida Rsi Bhujangga Waisnawa Putra Sara Shri Satya Jyoti & I. Gede Pariadnya (eds.) - 2017 - Denpasar: Pustaka Bali Post.
    Self-discipline, ethics, character, and philosophy in Hindu poetry; criticism to Bhagavad Gita, Nītīśāstra, Sāra-samuccaya, etc.
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    Making Process and Meaning the Ceramic Puppet Kamasan Illustrations in Cultural Conservation Efforts in Bali.I. Wayan Mudra, I. Ketut Muka P., I. Wayan Suardana & Anak Agung Gede Rai Remawa - 2021 - Cultura 18 (2):211-228.
    The advantage ceramic of Balinese Kamasan ornament, it has a very strong Balinese identity. Therefore, the this ceramic creation was a novel creation by ceramic artists in Indonesia. Purpose this study to explain the process creation, types of products, and the meaning of ceramic craft creation the Balinese Kamasan puppet. The determination data sources by purposive sampling. Data collection methods by observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The results of creation process consisted of several stages with a fairly long process, from (...)
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  17.  23
    Wayang Kamasan Painting and Its Development in Bali’s Handicrafts.I. Wayan Mudra, Anak Agung Gede Rai Remawa & I. Komang Arba Wirawan - 2020 - Cultura 17 (1):139-157.
    The puppet arts in Bali can be found in the wayang Kamasan painting at Kamasan Village, Klungkung Regency. This painting inspired the creation and development of new handicraft in Bali. The objectives this research: 1. To find the wayang Kamasan painting in Klungkung Regency; 2. To find the development of handicraft types in Bali inspired by wayang Kamasan painting. This research used a qualitative descriptive approach, and data collection by observation, interview, and documentation. The results that wayang Kamasan painting is (...)
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  18.  18
    Gede and Homosexuality.Paul C. Mocombe - 2023 - Philosophy Study 13 (7).
  19. Hulum gedétā naw.Yamāna Berhān Gétānah - 1960 - [Addis Ababa]: Tensāʼé zagebāʼé mātamiyā bét.
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  20.  8
    Tasawuf Jawa dalam lakon Dewa Ruci.Afrizal Ulinnuha - 2022 - Sumbang, Banyumas, Jawa Tengah: Amerta Media.
    Hasil riset yang penulis sajikan dalam buku ini, hendak membahas tentang makna hidup, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dan dinamika psikologis makna hidup orang Jawa yang memahami dan mengamalkan falsafah hidup ajaran Dewa Ruci. Lakon Dewa Ruci berisi tentang kisah Arya Bima yang mencari tirta perwita sari atau air kehidupan untuk mencapai kehidupan yang bermakna. Berbekal pendekatan fenomenologis, pembaca akan menemui perspektif yang unik sekaligus mendalam pada setiap bagiannya.
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    Tata nilai perdamaian sufistik dalam cerita pewayangan Dewa Ruci.Abu Khaer - 2020 - [Bandung, Jawa Barat]: Bitread Publishing.
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    De mens in het geding: Een kritische vergelijking tussen Pascal en Nietzsche.A. J. Groenewald - 1997 - HTS Theological Studies 53 (4).
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  23. Papirer. Anden forøgede Udgave ved Niels Thulstrup.Søen Kierkegaard & Niels Thulstrup - 1968 - Gyldendal.
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    Die Bybel in die geding: Teks versus dogma.Lina Spies - 2004 - HTS Theological Studies 60 (3).
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  25. Soevereiniteit in het geding.O. K. Zijlstra - 1981 - In H. van Riessen & P. Blokhuis (eds.), Wetenschap, wijsheid, filosoferen: opstellen aangeboden aan Hendrik van Riessen bij zijn afscheid als hoogleraar in de wijsbegeerte aan de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam. Assen: Van Gorcum.
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    Yuga purasha, Gurū Nānaka Dewa.Rattan Singh Jaggi - 2019 - Ammritasara: Bhā. Catara Siṅgha Jīwana Siṅgha.
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  27. Margaret Mead, Gregory Bateson, and Highland Bali: Fieldwork Photographs of Bayung Gede, 1936-1939.G. Sullivan - 2002 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 24 (3/4):548-548.
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    Gerald Sullivan. Margaret Mead, Gregory Bateson, and Highland Bali: Fieldwork Photographs of Bayung Gedé, 1936–1939. x + 213 pp., frontis., illus., app., bibl., index. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999. $45, £31.50. [REVIEW]Virginia Yans-Mclaughlin - 2003 - Isis 94 (2):398-398.
  29. Tornadic Black Angels: Vodou, Dance, Revolution.Joshua M. Hall - forthcoming - Journal of Black Studies.
    This article explores the history of Vodou from outlawed African dance to revolutionary magic to depoliticized national Haitian religion and popular dance, its present reduction to Diaspora interpersonal healing, and a possible future. My first section, on Kate Ramsey’s The Spirits and the Law: Vodou and Power in Haiti, reveals Vodou as a sociopolitical construction of racist legal oppression of Africana dances rituals, and artistic-political resistance thereto. My second section, on Karen McCarthy Brown’s Mama Lola: A Vodou Priestess in Brooklyn, (...)
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    Philosopy and Literature and the Crisis of Metaphysics.Sebastian Hüsch (ed.) - 2011 - Würzburg: Verlag Königshausen & Neumann.
    Short description: Part A : Philosophy, Literature, and Knowledge – Chapter I : Idealism and the Absolute – A. J. B. Hampton: “Herzen schlagen und doch bleibet die Rede zurück?” Philosophy, poetry, and Hölderlin’s development of language suffi cient to the Absolute – P. Sabot: L’absolu au miroir de la littérature. Versions de l’Hégélianisme’ chez Villiers de l’Isle Adam et chez Mallarmé – P. Gordon: Nietzsche’s Critique of the Kantian Absolute – Chapter II: Philosophy and Style – J.-P. Larthomas: Le (...)
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  31. Flertalsfrygt – aktuelle neoliberalistiske folke- og demokratikritikker.Mikkel Thorup - forthcoming - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie.
    I en lang række neoliberalisme-kritiske fortolkninger forstås og beskrives neoli- beralisme som decideret anti-demokratisk, hvis ikke i åben intention så i effekt og konsekvens. I dette kapitel undersøges en aktuel opblussen af neoliberal demokra- tikritik, der startede i slut-90’erne med en globaliseringsfortælling om, at interna- tionale markeder og virksomheder samt rige enkeltindivider nu er de nye suveræ- ner på bekostning af stat og demokrati til det, der i 00e’rne og 10’erne bevægede sig ind i forskellige teknovarianter af at kunne skabe (...)
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  32. Redeneren over Communicatie.Jan van Eijck - unknown
    Het communicatieve effect van een collectieve email van Wouter Bos aan al zijn contacten is totaal anders dan van hetzelfde bericht gestuurd aan iedere geadresseerde persoonlijk. In de lezing zal worden ingegaan op de vraag hoe je dit soort verschillen kunt modelleren in epistemische logica. Een centrale notie hierbij is ‘common knowledge’ of ‘collectief weten’. Dit begrip zal worden geillustreerd aan de hand van een aantal logische puzzles, en van protocollen uit het dagelijks leven die bedoeld zijn om collectief weten (...)
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    R.S. Sugirtharajah, The Bible in Asia: From the Pre-Christian Era to the Postcolonial Age, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2013, 303 hlm. [REVIEW]Martin Harun - 2016 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 15 (1):91-95.
    Sugirtharajah, seorang pakar biblika kelahiran Sri Lanka, yang mengajar di Universitas Birmingham, U.K., dan dikenal sebagai godfather penelitian pascakolonial dalam bidang Alkitab, menambahkan suatu karya inovatif lagi pada daftar tulisan-tulisannya yang sudah sangat mengesankan. Perhatiannya untuk suara penafsiran pinggiran sudah diketahui dari karyanya yang paling terkenal, Voices from the Margin (1991). Meskipun Alkitab berasal dari Asia, namun kebanyakan peneliti-an tentang Alkitab dan juga tentang pengaruhnya sepanjang sejarah, terfokus pada Eropa dan Amerika, dengan meminggirkan Asia. Itu mendorong S untuk mengadakan penelitian (...)
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